is this a boy or a girl?
it's a drawing.
queeristics is a drawing- and research-project about images and image-making. It’s about stereotypes, representation and norms. And about drawing as a form of queer visual activism.
On this website you will find series of drawings and writing circling around these fields of interest. There are two main sections to this website – DRAWING and WRITING.
The MAIN QUESTIONS guiding my curiosity are:
- Who sees/recognizes what?
- How can I avoid reproducing visual stereotypes in my drawings?
- And how can (queer) theory and an understanding of visual culture play a practical role in image-making?
I further divided the drawing section into the following three caterogies:
- The drawing projects are reflections about specific subjects related to queer and/or visual culture.
- Drawings done as a documentation of queer events are drawn on the spot and more spontanious.
- The random sketches are raw material directly from my sketchbooks.
The writing section divides into two parts:
- The texts in reflection are about different aspects of drawing as a way to create meaning and significance.
- In the interviews part there are conversations with people who ask themselves questions about queer in visual culture as well.
Most of the texts are written in a in a more or less “bad” or d.i.y. english without paying too much attention to correct spelling and exact grammar. I am not a native speaker and I do not have the texts corrected. Accepting mistakes and deliberately making meaning less clear may point to the fact that no one can ever be really sure to be understood anyway.
With this website I document my drawn and written research for queeristics.